Mar 11, 2016

Get, Set , Dance

Now that the promotions are ongoing for Jai Gangajal (Gangajal2), my fans often ask me how my experience was different from my stage performance. So here, I am putting my experiences before you.

Unlike my actual dance performance, on the sets the dance is broken up given the angular views, cuts and retakes that are so normal and routine to the film making process. Though I’m not much used to it – any experience that’s new is fun and I’m not the one to complain.

Another thing I liked about movie making was that when you’re in front of the camera, and nearly 20 people or more are looking at you at the same time – I found it amusing. On the stage, I’m the boss and on the sets I translate the Director’s vision into myperformance. This sets up my benchmarks on a higher level than before.

Discussing with the Director, the Choreographer and the Set Director about their expectations and their visualization of the scene is extremely important to fuse all that magic into my dance and rhythm. 

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